the World
Women in the world
and for a New World
The project “Women in the world and for a New World” has as a goal to take you to get to know projects and initiatives developed by women in different areas and cultures which, just as Colourful Innermost, aim to emancipate and give women a voice in social vulnerability. Acting on a construction of a more collaborative society.
This project has already travelled to Marrocco (2015) and to a refugee camp in France (2016). For 2018 we are organizing an itinerary through Africa, Asia and South America.
Morocco is considered a poor country, where many people experience a significant social inequality. Almost half the population still lives and works in the countryside, where one of its greatest wealth is - the argan. Argan oil is used to cook, to moisturize women's hair and to rejuvenate the skin. The work of producing the oil is made in an artisan way. Íntimo Colorido got to know a Cooperative in Morocco that works with women who produce the oil. In this opportunity we met Khadija (56 years old), Malika (38 years old), Zahra (34 years old) and Lahna (50 years old). These women work an average of 8 hours a day and take an average of 3 days to produce 1kg of the oil extract. For each kilo they receive an average of R$ 12.00. All production is sold at the small cooperative stores. It is a very repetitive and exhaustive work, but it is the only job opportunity there is for many women in certain regions.
But this reality in Morocco is changed in some places by social projects that offer opportunities for some women to have access to education and professional qualification. Íntimo Colorido went to one of these projects and now invites you to know a bit more about AFER, an Association that works in the political militancy for the empowerment of rural Islamic women.
AFER creates projects focused on women's empowerment. Among the work carried out by them, the main focus is the literacy of rural women. For they believe that "learning and knowing is a way of seeing the world". Classes take place three times a week, two hours a day.
AFER has a significant political participation within the community, organizing and actively participating in protests and demonstrations in the fight for laws against gender violence, a reality, unfortunately, very present in this culture.

Association des Femmes et Entants Ruraux